

american flag at half staff
By The Flag Center October 16, 2022
Are you wondering when you should fly the flag at half-staff? There weren’t any hard and fast rules regarding flying the flag at half-staff until 1954 when President Dwight Eisenhower created and issued guidelines on when and how it should be done.
What size should my flag be?
By The Flag Center October 16, 2022
Flags are seen at homes, businesses, schools, and municipal buildings across the United States and beyond. Each one can show a sense of patriotism, love for a state, or passion for a sports team.
Flagpole size for flags
By The Flag Center October 16, 2022
The size of the buildings and the property will come into play when choosing the right flagpole size that would work best for you. For residential spaces, flagpoles are typically between 20 and 25 feet in height.
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